A lover of fashion Erica uses her passion for photography to create visuals that shine light on the beauty of you and your brand.
Wanchy Wisdom was birthed organically from Erica’s personality and social media posts. She lovingly referred to her friends as Wanches and the nostalgia of the word sparked with others. Since using social media as her accountability journal, Erica started naming these daily posts Wanchy Wisdom. At the urging of a few of her wanchy crew, she started focusing on branding the empowering posts as Wanchy Wisdom. We get to define who we are. We are wise, ambitious, nutritious, creative, and honest. Dripping with personality, sass, fashion, and feisty energy, these posts have become an open way for any Wanch to be vulnerable out loud and proud! What better way to motivate people with undefinable possibilities than to redefine a word that is an ode to a past not easily forgotten.